Beauty tips



1- 秀发要常梳理顺直,不让它容易纠缠打结。最好抹上发油[依发质和造型需求]
2- 每星期在家做速程秀发保湿护理(1 minute moisturise treatment)
3- 记得每当洗发时,起泡后清理头皮部分完毕,接着运用梳子顺着直线梳理。这可以彻底清理秀发上的污垢哦!
4- 注意水的温度不与过高,这也会造成秀发毛鳞片受损。

Schwarzkopf Hair Solution 

Combing after the Shampoo Made Easy

Combing Freshly Shampooed Hair
All will be well if you prepare your hair for styling before the shampoo. The right care before and after shampooing provides manageable hair without tangles
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We share with you the best strategies for keeping your hair tangle-free and manageable after shampooing. Combing freshly washed hair is easy with the right hair care and products
  • Women with long hair and tight curls are most likely to run into trouble combing and detangling their hair after a shampoo. Luckily, it takes only a few easy precautionary measures to avoid tangled hair. As is often the case, the most successful strategies start with a definition of the problem. With the eye on the root cause of the problem, finding a way around it is easy as pie. In this case, the solution starts before shampooing. Below, you find the six best strategies against tangled, unmanageable hair after shampooing.
  • Tip 1: Comb your hair before the shampoo
    Do not unnecessarily muss up your hair while you shampoo it. It is best to comb your hair before the shampoo. Then apply the shampoo und the conditioner mostly to the wet hair close to the roots and gently massage the products onto your scalp and into your hair. After thoroughly rinsing out the shampoo, gingerly dab your hair with a towel rather than rubbing it forcefully.
    Tipp 2: Be gentle
    Despite your best efforts there still may be a few tangles after the shampoo. In such a case, patience is the only successful strategy. Gently pull the tangles apart without applying undue force. Combing your hair with a lot of vigour will only damage or break your hair or rip it out by the roots.
    Tip 3: Start by detangling and combing the ends of your hair
    Hold small portions of your hair ends and gently detangle them. Now you can use a comb without applying force. Do not start detangling your hair close to the roots because the tangled knots tend to move toward the hair ends where they will exacerbate the problem.
    Tip 4: Use the proper type of comb
    Use a wide-toothed comb made of wood or hard rubber and comb small strands of hair at a time. Different from plastic combs, wood or rubber combs have the advantage of not creating an electrical charge as a result of gliding through your hair.
    Tip 5: Allow your hair to dry before you comb it
    Ideally, you should allow your hair to air-dry before you detangle it using your fingers. If you are in a hurry you may decide to use a blow-dryer to remove the excess moisture and then allow your hair to air-dry. Comb your hair only after it is completely dry. Wet and damp hair is far more sensitive, stretchable, and prone to damage than dry hair. Detangling wet hair is harder and creates many damaged hair shafts in the process.
    Tip 6: Use rinses for more manageable hair
    Special hair rinses provide instant manageability. Conditioning rinses repair hair damage and fill in gaps in the hair shafts. As a result, the conditioned hair is smooth and pliable. Rinses may be applied after shampooing. After application, the conditioning rinse must be thoroughly rinsed clear with water. Alternatively, you may apply a leave-in conditioning spray to your damp or dry hair.